Fereshteh Alamshah
Broken pool - Woman.Fish - 2010
Broken pool - Woman.Fish - 2010
Fish tail - 2010
Woman.Fish - Hormoz island - 2009
Woman.Fish - Hormoz island - 2009
Woman.Fish - Hormoz island - 2009
Filling in to the fish rock�s trap -Hormoz island-2009
Filling in to the fish rock�s trap -Hormoz island-2009
Tree spirit - 2009
Tree spirit video art - Dec 2010
Covering within plastic, hard respirations, heat, sweat, hard mobility, perception of wizened shoots sense, the perception of captive animals within polluted waters, the earth which has been surrounded by heat, slow growth of nature, the sense of inability and non freedom, are things which I am looking for them within my performances. People who surround plastic around themselves are symbols of humans who not only devastate and destroy nature and earth, by their hands but also, damage their life and their children‘s life within the nature cycle. Plastic, for me, is symbol of pollutants.