Annie Eagleton
Spectacled Bear and Cub, mural, acrylics, Vilcabamba, Ecuador
White Wolf - a dear friend's totem animal. My birthday gift to her.
Wire-crested Thorntail (hummingbird) Ecuador, Sacred Bird, Direction North, Element of Fire
Andean Condor, Sacred Bird, Direction East, Element of Air
Amaru-Sacred Boa, Direction South, Element of Earth
"Spirit of Pangui", puma confiscated from wildlife trade, now resident of Merazonia Animal Rescue Centre, Ecuador
Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, a denizen of Copalinga Reserve, Zamora, Ecuador
Violet Seahorse - painted after the tragic death of a young ocean-loving friend who used this moniker
I woke up to environmental issues in the late 1980s which coincided with my exploration into art. Since then I have been involved in environmental art projects and education in the many countries I have lived in – USA, UK, Czech Republic, Vietnam, Kenya and Ecuador, working with diverse cultural groups through English language teaching, the written word and the arts. Through research and direct experience I have gained knowledge of ecology, trees, the wildlife trade, plastic pollution, permaculture and sustainable living which I share via appropriate media.
Though non-fiction writing was my main art form from 2008-2014, since moving to Ecuador last year I have been inspired to paint the endangered fauna of this extremely bio-diverse country. My medium is currently acrylic on circles of plywood. I am also an avid photographer and birdwatcher and I love to dance!