Lyn Avery

I have a vision of peace on Earth. Through my experiences and travels, I’ve come to understand that people everywhere share that same vision. My intention is to strengthen this ideal by sharing the beauty of all cultures and people, celebrating our amazing diversity, and all the incredible similarities of our hearts.     
We truly are one family.

I was raised in Bolivia, as a missionary kid. While there were few of the comforts of daily life that we have come to expect, the rewards of that experience far out-weighed any hardship. I was exposed daily to cultures, languages, and ideas completely foreign to a North American setting. The gift of living surrounded in a native tradition, which I experienced as very nourishing, gentle and rich, continues to inspire my art and my life. I have come away with no regrets, and so much gratitude for a childhood that prepared me for a life of flexibility, simplicity, service, and mastery.

My parents taught me that service to others is the highest calling. Even when we considered ourselves poor-as-church-mice, in Bolivia there were always people in far greater need. My mother was very clear about giving free meals to every hungry child she met, and endless healthcare to anyone who showed up at her clinic.

Another gift my parents gave me was the ease of travel. We headed out on my first adventure within weeks of my birth, and throughout my childhood, we never really stopped moving and traveling. As an adult, my desire to always see what’s around the next corner, or in the next valley, or country has spurred my love of photography into a genre of “still documentation”. To distill this even further, I might add that I love exploring and photographing rural life in less privileged countries. I enjoy sitting with people, many times communicating only through hand gestures and laughter. I am fascinated with the rituals of a simple life, and every village has their own unique traditions and style.

Currently, I live in Arroyo Seco, just outside of Taos, with my wonderful husband Jim, and a terrific teenage daughter Prisma, who share my daily life. They are so generous with allowing me the freedom to pursue my passion for travel and photography. Rarely do they complain about being dragged to yet another country and experiencing the hardship of rustic travel to the outbacks of a new and wild frontier!!

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May we be nourished, inspired and blessed by the beautiful, radiant and joyful family we are all a part of. In return, let us bless all those we encounter. Then our life will blossom, as the gift it is.

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  • Artist Info

    • Arroyo Seco, NM
      US - Mountain

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