Beth Carruthers

Beth Carruthers is a Canadian artist-philosopher, independent curator and consultant in Arts, Environment & Sustainability. She also develops and teaches university curriculum specific to these. In 1997 she co-founded, and through 2002 directed, the first Canadian arts-science collaborative organization addressing habitat and sustainability in urban centres. In 2006 she was commissioned by the Canadian Commission for UNESCO to create a major report on arts/science collaboration in Ecological Art Practices. Her visual arts works have been exhibited and collected internationally.

As an academic with a focus on ethics, ontology, and the role of the aesthetic in engendering environmental values, she writes, publishes, and lectures internationally. In 2009 she co-developed and led an arts & sustainability initiative in Dubai, U.A.E. – “A Green Vision” – which is also designed as a template forfurther collaborative development. A current project is a book exploring the role of aesthetic engagement in sustainability.

Beth holds a BFA degree and an MA in Values and Environment from the Institute for Environment, Philosophy and Public Policy at Lancaster University in the UK. Please check the website for current and upcoming events and projects, and an archive of writings.

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