Celia Anderson

  • 'She's Watching", Acrylic on Canvas, 24"x48".
  • "Acid Rain", Mixed Media on Canvas, 24"x 36".
  • "Imperative?", Acrylic on Canvas, 24" x 48".
  • "Hanging Chads", Acrylic on Canvas, 42" x 68".
  • "Extraction", Acrylic on Canvas with found object attachments, 36"x 48".
  • "Taking Aim at Evolution", Acrylic on Canvas, with found object attachments, 42"x68".
  • "The Witness", Pastel on Board, 24"x18".
  • "Congressional Gameboard", Mixed Media on Paper, 30"x 30".
  • "Holes in the System", Acrylic on Canvas with found object attachments, 42" x 68" (canvas size).
  • "Messenger", Mixed Media on Canvas, 24" x 20".
  • "Turning Back the Clock", Acrylic on Canvas, with found object attachnents, 42"x68".

Celia Carl Anderson

Many of my artworks are the result of a growing disquiet I have felt with world events, national politics and a global environment out of balance. Like most figurative painters I am interested in the symbolic and emotive power of images and the role they can play in effecting – however minimal – changes in peoples’ thinking.

I live in Alaska and nowhere else is the effect of climate change more evident. Glaciers have disappeared with record speed and villages have had to relocate due to rising sea levels and more frequent and worsening winter storms. Ocean species that feed salmon are dissolving due to increasing acidification of the seas. Lack of snow in the mountains to feed rivers increases the fire danger and warming temperatures allow more insect species to infect forests.

While corporations and politicians busy themselves with developing strategies to retain dominance and restrict women’s rights, the global environment is deteriorating. My work often speaks to the missteps, hypocrisy and immorality of these preoccupations.

  • Artist Info

    • Kenai, AK
      US - Pacific
    • 907-252-6968

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