Cynthia MacCollum
Flower Moon, 35 12x9” watercolor paintings with ink, graphite and charcoal. Time stamp written on wall in graphite. The rule for this moon was to take a vertical photo and paint a 12x9” watercolor. 2020
Wolf Moon, 24x144”, watercolor with graphite and acrylic. Time stamp on paper. The rule for the wolf moon was to measure the weather-this chart indicates air temperature, wind chill, wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, and precipitation. 2021
Harvest Moon, Twenty Four 16x20” watercolor paintings, bound into two accordion books, Night and Day, each 16” x 240” fully extended The rule for the Harvest moon was to sketch a scene and paint a 16” x 20” watercolor from the schemata. Time stamp written on shelf. 2020
Endangered Species of Connecticut: Plants, Abies balsamia-Lilaeopsis chinensis 2022-2023 Watercolor on Kuzu paper Currently 10x161"; Final dimensions will be 10x332”
Snow Moon, Photograph, digitally manipulated, 49x144”. The Rule: Choose a color to match the sky while standing just west of the bridge by Kiwanis Pond. Time stamp and digital color formula on each section. 2021
Endangered Species of Connecticut: Amphibia 2023 Acrylic Ink on Yupo paper suspended in liquid-filled Specimen Jar Eight Jars, 7 x 3.75” each Front view
Endangered Species of Connecticut: Amphibia 2023 Acrylic Ink on Yupo paper suspended in liquid-filled Specimen Jar Eight Jars, 7 x 3.75” each Rear view
Endangered Species of Connecticut: Insects, Abagrotis nefascia benjamin-Chlosyne nycteis 2023, Watercolor, ink, graphite, glassine envelopes; each insect card measures 3.5x2.5" This piece, still a work in progress, shows the first forty-eight of one hundred and seventy four species on the list of Endangered, Threatened and Special Concern Insects for the state of Connecticut.
The Birds Merlin Heard- Master Key 2022-23 Watercolor and Ink 20x48” overall
Week of April 15th 2022 watercolor and graphite on Arches 300lb rough paper 22x30”
Week of Dec 23 2022 watercolor and graphite on Arches 300lb rough paper 22x30
Week of November 25th 2022 watercolor and graphite on Arches 300lb rough paper 22x30"
I am a record keeper. I track the passage of time, the migration of birds, the decline of native species, and the blooming of spring ephemerals. Painting is how I adore and document the specific natural spaces I inhabit. Adopting a schematic approach allows me to see closely and experience intimately while keeping both my romantic tendency and my solistalgic grief at bay.