Cynthia MacCollum

  • Flower Moon, 35 12x9” watercolor paintings with ink, graphite and charcoal. Time stamp written on wall in graphite. The rule for this moon was to take a vertical photo and paint a 12x9” watercolor. 2020
  • Wolf Moon, 24x144”, watercolor with graphite and acrylic. Time stamp on paper. The rule for the wolf moon was to measure the weather-this chart indicates air temperature, wind chill, wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, and precipitation. 2021
  • Harvest Moon, Twenty Four 16x20” watercolor paintings, bound into two accordion books, Night and Day, each 16” x 240” fully extended The rule for the Harvest moon was to sketch a scene and paint a 16” x 20” watercolor from the schemata. Time stamp written on shelf. 2020
  • Endangered Species of Connecticut: Plants, Abies balsamia-Lilaeopsis chinensis 2022-2023 Watercolor on Kuzu paper Currently 10x161"; Final dimensions will be 10x332”
  • Snow Moon, Photograph, digitally manipulated, 49x144”. The Rule: Choose a color to match the sky while standing just west of the bridge by Kiwanis Pond. Time stamp and digital color formula on each section. 2021
  • Endangered Species of Connecticut: Amphibia 2023 Acrylic Ink on Yupo paper suspended in liquid-filled Specimen Jar Eight Jars, 7 x 3.75” each Front view
  • Endangered Species of Connecticut: Amphibia 2023 Acrylic Ink on Yupo paper suspended in liquid-filled Specimen Jar Eight Jars, 7 x 3.75” each Rear view
  • Endangered Species of Connecticut: Insects, Abagrotis nefascia benjamin-Chlosyne nycteis 2023, Watercolor, ink, graphite, glassine envelopes; each insect card measures 3.5x2.5" This piece, still a work in progress, shows the first forty-eight of one hundred and seventy four species on the list of Endangered, Threatened and Special Concern Insects for the state of Connecticut.
  • The Birds Merlin Heard- Master Key 2022-23 Watercolor and Ink 20x48” overall
  • Week of April 15th 2022 watercolor and graphite on Arches 300lb rough paper 22x30”
  • Week of Dec 23 2022 watercolor and graphite on Arches 300lb rough paper 22x30
  • Week of November 25th 2022 watercolor and graphite on Arches 300lb rough paper 22x30"

I am a record keeper. I track the passage of time, the migration of birds, the decline of native species, and the blooming of spring ephemerals. Painting is how I adore and document the specific natural spaces I inhabit. Adopting a schematic approach allows me to see closely and experience intimately while keeping both my romantic tendency and my solistalgic grief at bay.

  • Artist Info

    • , CT
      US - East

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