Anita Eisenman

I am often attracted to the reclaiming of the environment by nature. Some of my pieces are drawn from water, reflection, wind, and messages. I am an interdisciplinary artist working with pencil, paint, encaustics, found materials, photography, and clay.
Art journals are integral to my process; they establish a pattern of my wanderings and are a collective of my designs. Exploring them, drawing, and at times photographing them. I then take these images and writings and used them in a more abstracted forms or as metaphors of travel.
Inspiration for my current work continues to be exploring the aspects of water as reflection and a fascination with veiled light and transitory images. Some of these works combines pencils, watercolor, encaustics, pigments, woods, and metals with floating images.

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    • , CA
      US - Pacific
    • (530)906-5798

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