Ember de Boer

Ember de Boer is a multidisciplinary sculptor, whose studio practice is inspired by an inclination toward geometric form, the deconstruction of materials, and an obsession with texture. De Boer was born and raised in Kansas City and is graduating Spring ‘22 with a BFA in Sculpture with a Minor in Philosophy at CSU Sacramento. Beginning her career with over ten years in painting that morphed into a dynamic sculptural practice; De Boer’s career has been enriched by working in industrial settings, learning craftsmanship through labor and trade. Recent accomplishments include being the current President of IMPACT (Individuals Motivating Progress Across Community Together), an Emerging Artist Showcase at Arthouse on R, and first place in the 2021 Student Award Show at CSU Sacramento.

My work is an example of how we can generate an aesthetic that aligns with our moral values. Acts of external creation are inherently acts of self-creation. When I fabricate art that touches on the environment, I am creating in a way that expresses a connection to my deepest desires. My works speak to the environment, and how we internalize it’s dynamic relationship to the human condition. My sculptures are made from material that would have otherwise been discarded; they come from far and wide, and are transformed into sculptures and textures carrying the energy of their origins.

I am currently working on reclaiming the photos of my work, ill attach some here, and leave the link to my portfolio, in case they aren’t adequate.

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  • Artist Info

    • Sacramento, CA
      US - Pacific
    • 9139614664

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