Jan Dove
Oola as Goya's Maja
Oola as Ophelia
Oola as the Empress Theodora
Oola as Antiope
Oola as Judith
Oola as one of deKooning's women
Oola as the serpent in the Garden of Eden
Oola as a thief
Oola as Oola's Mother
Oola overcomes Ignorance through the Arts
Years ago I made a small doll out of scraps — a doll which I recently I scanned and digitally edited into Western art historical contexts.
Playing the doll, Oola, as an alter-ego, I tried out different periods of western art history. I began by 
making fun of images that were outside my aesthetic. But then, with a sense of shock when 
people responded to my work with laughter, I began to feel protective of my alter-ego/doll.
I began thinking about my doll in a variety of art historical contexts that reflect a variety of cultural norms about beauty and acceptability, especially for women and girls in my culture.