Katharine Owens

I began printmaking in 1994 and since that time have made etchings, etchings with aquatint, monotypes, woodblocks, mezzotints, linoleum blocks, chine-colle, and lithographs. Currently, in my home studio I hand carve and hand print wood block and linoleum block prints.
My work melds my interests in science, creativity, environment, and policy. I am particularly interested in the way humankind influences nature, habitats, and species. My work explores the intersection of humans and nature (i.e., land-use, habitat destruction, species extinction, de-extinction, sustainability, climate change), as well as depictions of arthropods.
I use simple tools and processes to create woodblock and linoleum block prints that deal with these issues.

  • Artist Info

    • Middletown, CT,
      US - East
    • 8602185799

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