Sonia Garcia
Spring Sea
Earth Aura
Blue Trees
Spirit of Nature
Noches Inquietas:Silence
Naga Queen
Many dreams are a blur and melt away at their remembrance. Others are a rush of scenes, racing through faces and landscapes from the present and past. Most are beyond our grasp and whirl us into spaces that can be friendly or eerie. Then when we are awake we may still recall that peachy sunset or distant cavernous lair. I capture these sensations and generate them in physical reality with my painting, igniting the lessons that our slumbering subconscious tries to teach us.
Painting allows me to play and experiment with color freely. I recreate light and reflections with watery paint or layer it heavily to add patterns and texture. Patterns especially excite my senses and make the simplest subject radiate energy. The subjects that I choose are often of the natural world with or without people interacting in them. Natures living energy offers us more than we can see visually, offering to the multitude of vibrations that we cannot always see with the naked eye.
My work has developed from allowing myself to play. I set my intention to make a finished piece, but I also trust in the process of making the work. I trust that my hands will serve to express the ideas taken from my environment and subconscious. And I trust that my artwork will serve to connect all of us with the intuitive energy that guides our conscious lives.