Magi Amma
- Wheel of Fortune, Tarot Series
- The Scream, Chair Series
- Resurrection, Ascension Series
- Justice, Tarot Series
- The Glass Ceiling, Chair Series
- Self Portrait, Chair Series
- Heart of Darkness, Chair Series
- Between Time, Ascension Series
- Mary had a Little Lamb
- The Star, Tarot Series
I create mixed-media sculpture using recycled materials, ceramic figures and objects from nature. I use symbols such as wings, wheels, nests, ladders, cages and confined female figures as metaphors of the questionable state of the social and financial equality of women.
I have experience in sculpture, bronze casting, ceramics and computer science including posts as an art director at Sun Microsystems and Apple Computer.
I am an activist who not only has created such political artwork as the Coup d’Etat Coloring Book, but has also served as President of the National Woman’s Caucus for Art.