dominique mazeaud
The Great Cleansing Of The Rio Grande: 1987-1994
A Whale Ceremonial: 2001
The Most Precious Jewel 1998- This work, an ongoing monthly participatory ritual performance, invites passersby to remember the immeasurable gift that the earth is. When the globe is all beaded, the work will become a walking pilgrimage where I will carry the earth in a cradleboard. The idea is that, like in the case of an old, sick parent, we become the caretaker (mother) of our mother.
Tears of the World: 2001
17 years ago I began searching for “the spiritual in art in our time ” The exploration led me to doing art <strong> for the earth</strong> where “heart is the forms of forms.” I consider my performance. installation and community work new expressions of ritual and pilgrimage, and relate it to the tradition of sacred art. For me, all work, of art — <em>arting, </em> curating, writing, lecturing, teaching, collaborating with other artists — and life, are informed by the same impulse.
<strong>Doing Art for the Earth</strong>
For 7 years l was involved in a monthy performance,<em>The Great Cleansing of The Rio </em>Grande. The listening ritual/metaphoric action was as important as the found objects which become a record of the event (besides writing) and are shown as installations.
In 1993, I launched The Road of Meeting, a new work empowering and connecting environmentalists with artists doing art for the earth
Revered <em>Earth, </em>co-curated with the Center tot Contemporary Arts of Sante Fe, ended its 2-year American museum tour in 1992 <em>The Virgin of Guadalupe, </em>the American counterpart of a joint exhibition, <em>The Meeting of the Black Madonnas, </em>traveled to the Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw, Poland in 1991. Seed-projects are Global Art and <em>Art as Prayer
</strong></em><strong>Lecturing, Teaching</strong>
I am developing projects using rivers as teachers of borderlessness between children of different cultures. In university residencies and workshops, I weave the various threads that spun from my quest and explore concepts of “life/art” and THE HEARTIST.