Kathryn Miller
Born and raised on the coast of Brazil, Kathryn Miller combines her childhood fascination with nature and an awareness of the profound effects of human intervention on local ecosystems. She attended college in the United States, holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in Biology and Art and now lives near Los Angeles, California, where she teaches at Pitzer College and the Claremont Graduate School.
Perhaps because of her history and travel experience, much of Kathryn Miller’s art deals with the importance of place and ecosystem appropriate vegetation. She hurls sculpted “seed bombs” containing soil and native grass seed into heavily impacted landcapes and stages humorous photographs depicting the absurdity of water intensive lawns in a desert environment and the dangerous Russian Thistle Crisis. She ocasionally works collaboratively on her projects and in one instance worked with a local historian to create a seed bank landscape of native grasses near a freeway in downtown Melbourne, Australia.
Source: www.greenmuseum.org