Pamela Casper
Pamela Casper was born and raised in New York City, and she received a BA from Swarthmore College. Post graduation, Casper lived in France and traveled throughout Europe and North Africa, painting independently. After two years, Casper returned to New York City. Her paintings have been exhibited in Europe and throughout New York City and New England.
Pamela Casper’s watercolor and oil paintings address humanity’s collision with nature. Casper focuses on the tension between the health and survival of our habitat, our inclination to dominate nature, and the unsustainable exploitation of natural resources.
Casper combines imagination with references to the natural and scientific worlds in all her landscapes. This approach goes beyond scientific documentation and connects with the artist’s inner viewpoint. In some works, Casper utilizes the powerful, spiraling movement of the Tornado motif to symbolize the unbridled forces of nature and the momentum of climate change.
In the “Underground” series, Pamela Casper focuses on the hidden world beneath the surface. This realm includes roots intermingling with fungi, water, creatures, insects, and microscopic organisms that thrive in a cycle of decay and restoration. A lesser-observed world lends itself to a more spontaneous, intuitive, and abstract painting style, conveying soil life’s unseen energy and dynamics.
By bringing to light this hidden arena of underground life, I emphasize the pressing need to incorporate soil and fungi conservation into a comprehensive global preservation strategy. This reminds us of our collective responsibility to protect and preserve all our natural world.