Robin Mullery

  • Beginning Again, Softly, 2019, 20" x 20" x 4", cement, rebar, pink cotton balls
  • Filling Holes, Softly, 2019, installation at old CUF site, Barrerio, Portugal
  • A Shade Not Resolved, 2019, 17” x 58” x 7”, cement and rebar
  • There Was A Hurt That Lay Between Two Colors, 2019, installation at old CUF site Barrerio, Portugal
  • There Was A Hurt That Lay Between Two Colors (detail), 2019, installation at old CUF site Barrerio, Portugal
  • Imprint of Loss, 2019, 8" x 6" x 4", cement, iron, lead, rust

Robin Mullery infuses tenderness into the images, objects, and installations she creates. Working from her background as a therapist she probes her experience of vulnerability and harm, asking questions of and giving shape to what it is to heal. She draws an analogy between the urban/industrial landscape and the psychic/emotional state of its inhabitants; both surfaces, geomorphic or social, concealing hidden depths and interconnected in ways not easily visible.

Inherent in Mullery’s work is an exploration of underlying structures, cracks, and fissures in the coming together of matter. She explores the dichotomy of organic and geometric, the real and conceptual, masculine and feminine, harm and repair. Throughout her installations and two and three dimensional works is a gossamer thread of tenderness woven into the rough industrial materials, brutalist revisionings, and urban repair. Self taught in visual art with an MFA in Poetry and an MA in Psychology Mullery is unrestricted by traditional modes of artistic expression, instead intuiting her way to form and shape.

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    • Palo Alto, CA
      US - Pacific

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