Ann T. Rosenthal
ANNIVERSARY (Grid), WSU, Pullman, WA 1994 (Photo: Stephen Moore)
ANNIVERSARY (Installation), WSU, Pullman, WA 1994 (Photo: Stephen Moore)
ANNIVERSARY (Japan Scroll), WSU, Pullman, WA 1994 (Photo: Stephen Moore)
SHADOW (Installation), Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue, WA 1997 (Photo: Stephen Moore)
SHADOW (Fat Man and Chronology), Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue, WA 1997 (Photo: Stephen Moore)
SHADOW (Chronology), Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue, WA 1997 (Photo: Stephen Moore)
2001: PLUTONIUM, MARCH 28, 1941, Web exhibition, 2001
2001: GULF WAR, FEBRUARY 28, 1991, Web exhibition, 2001.
Ann T. Rosenthal brings to the art community 20 years of experience as an environmental artist and arts activist. Her site and gallery-based installations juxtapose found objects, traditional media, and digital imaging to complicate the social and natural histories of “place.” Informed by diverse interdisciplinary discourses, including post-colonial and gender studies, environmental history, and social and deep ecology, she interrogates how our social constructions of “nature” have compromised human and non-human systems. Her work is situated within the emerging field of “ecoart,” which encompasses critical interventions and interpretations of the nature/culture boundary. She is committed to growing this hybrid discipline and welcomes opportunities to teach, lecture, publish, and exhibit her work.