Taylor James Monét

  • SF Magic - Prism I, 2019.
  • SF Magic - Prism II, 2019.

I never limit myself when it comes to being creative. I would say “art style” is a mix of expressionism, symbolism, and surrealism. I create portraits mostly because I enjoy conveying and interacting with human emotions.
Born in Oakland, CA, I didn’t speak much growing up due to the overwhelming trauma I’ve experienced since an early age, so art was a way for me to process the world around me. It was a release from the pain, anger, and hopelessness I felt day in and day out. I wanted to feel powerful and free. I have created several works with different symbolic meanings throughout my life but for years I’ve been afraid to share what goes on inside me. I am always discovering new things about myself and finding new ways to express myself. I also use art to bring awareness to what’s going on around us and to question our behavior. I want us all to question why are things the way they are and whether should things continue this way.

  • Artist Info

    • Oakland, CA
      US - Pacific

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