Aug 15: Call for Geumgang Nature Art Biennale Submission

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Date: February 15, 2025 — August 15, 2011
Categories: Opportunities

Guidelines for the open competition of

the Geumgang Nature Art Biennale 2011-2012


Theme of the Biennale: “Nature, Human Being & Sound”


Exhibition Venue : Forest of Hope Park (Geumgang Riverside), Gongju City


*The Forest of Hope Park and the Yeonmi-san (swallowtail mountain) are located by the Geumgang riverside opposite the old Gongju town, ChungCheongnam-do, and is a 90-minute travel by bus or by car from Seoul.


Please have a look at



Submission information:


â–  Subject (Theme):


This year’s Pre-Biennale and the 2012 Geumgang Nature Art Biennale will focus on the theme –“Nature, Human Being and Sound.” The Sound of Nature is always there and has a life of its own that manifests in so many countless forms. The Sound of Nature is the Sound of life. We wish that the artists attune themselves, listening and letting the Sound of Nature permeates into their open minds. Likewise, the Sound of the artists mind meeting the Sound of Nature reflects outwardly in the form of admirable artworks. Thru this exhibition, we wish to bring back the harmony between human beings and the increasingly damaging Nature and continue the creative, peaceful and balanced interaction between them mutually.

â–  Size and method of the Model Drawing:

– Only A3 Size

– Artwork design must be submitted with detailed and clean renderings. One can utilize drawing, painting, collage and computer graphics media to illustrate the design proposal.


â–  Model Drawing Exhibition:

-If your project proposal fits in to our biennale theme, it will be exhibited and published in a catalogue during the 2011 Geumgang Nature Art Pre-Biennale period.


â–  Deadline of Submission of Artworks : August 15, 2011

â–  Duration of Artworks Exhibition : October 10 – 31, 2011


â–  Documents required :

List E-mail Post mail
A Entry Form √( word .doc file only) √
Profile photo √
B Previous Nature Art Activities Form √ √
Photos (10 previous art works) √ √
C Request of Production and Installation Support and Equipments Form √ √
D Model drawing(A3) √
Digital Photo of Model Drawing(High resolution) √
E Catalogues of previous exhibitions (if available) √
F Artist’s portfolio (if available) (if available)


Please send your document thru email and by post as indicated above.

This will be used accordingly for the catalogue, the judging committee and for the exhibition

*All documents submitted will not be returned.



Please note

-The local climate and natural phenomenon like strong winds, heavy rains, snow and strong typhoons should be thoroughly taken into consideration when planning an artwork. The materials to be used and the installation structure should be strong enough to withstand against these adverse conditions. The viewers’ security against accidents caused by the artwork as well as the damage the viewers might incur to the artwork should be taken in full consideration as well.

â–  Mailing Address:

Office of the Geumgang Nature Art Biennale,

314-861 San26-3 Sinwoongri, Wooseongmyeon, Gongju, Chungnam.  South Korea


â–  Selection conditions and schedules for Geumgang Nature Art Biennale2012:

-Artists of the selected artworks will be notified and will be invited to participate in the 2012 Geumgang Nature Art Biennale.

– Announcement of selected artists : December 2011

– The selected artists will receive a fee of USD1000

– Production details ( materials, technical support and assistants)

will be discussed between the artist and the organizer after the proposal is accepted.

-Working period is within 3 weeks : starting July 25 until August 17, 2012.

-The opening of the exhibition is on August 19, 2012.

-A symposium and YATOO workshop will take place during the working period.

-A sightseeing tour to cultural sites will be organized.

-The artist’s presence is required during the opening day. .

-The costs of food and accommodation are covered by the Biennale

organization during the artists’ stay.

-A roundtrip ticket is covered by the Biennale-organization. ( Up to USD 1300)

-For further information, please send email to: or contact the office of the organizing committee of the 2012 Geumgang Nature Art Biennale -187-1 Jung-Dong,Gongju 314-050, South Korea, Tel:+82.41.853.8828 or +82.41.843 (853). 8838


Application Form

Geumgang Nature Art Biennale Open Competition 2012

A. Entry for

(4cm x 5cm digital photo of the artist

Name : (as it appears in your passport)
Date of Birth: (mm-dd-yyyy)
Home Address:
Mobile Phone:
CV( Maximum 20 Lines)  






(Attached a digital photo to the entry form and send photo separately thru email.

This will be used for the catalogue)

B. Previous Nature Art Activities form
10 artworks you did Within the last five years


Please indicate the title of the artwork /year, dimension, materials used, place, event it was installed and a brief summary of its concept

Send digital photos of previous nature artworks thru email with corresponding details.

C. Request of Production and Installation Support and Equipments form
Title of Artwork:  
Size (work dimension in cm) :width × length× height  
Work plan details and Equipments Request:
Concept of artwork (maximum 200 words):


I submit this artwork application following the guidelines of the open competition for the 2012 Geumgang Nature Art Biennale and agree that this artwork, if chosen to be exhibited at the Forest of Hope Park, is my donation to the Geumgang Nature Art Biennale Organizing Committee and the city of Gongju.


Applicant’s Signature


Exhibition Venue  Picture  information


Forest of Hope Park (Geumgang Riverside), Gongju City



The park is still under construction (landscaping job, tree-planting and garden works) and will be completed in time and ready for the Biennale 2012.
Reference about Yatoo’s Nature Art Movement


History of Yatoo

Gongju City, the birthplace of Yatoo, was the former capital of Baekje Kingdom – one of the three Korean empires 1600 years ago. Due to its richness in historical, cultural heritage and the establishment of many schools and universities, it is now known as the city of history, education and culture.

In 1981, in an effort to move away from the mainstream art practices that were then largely urban-based and oftentimes egocentric, 20 young artists decided amongst themselves to pursue an art form that embraces pure Nature-based aesthetics. Nature Art emerged then as a relatively new contemporary art form.

For Yatoo, Nature art is a friendly interaction with Nature, working with it without destroying it. Being naturally Nature lovers, they thought working with Nature closely and passionately is a way to establish a deeper connection and understanding of Nature.

They started practicing Nature art on a seasonal basis at first, then gradually expanded into bigger activities that eventually paved the way into Nature art symposia and exhibitions participated by invited artists locally and internationally who shared the same spirit, interest and passion for Nature art.


Naming of Yatoo

Yatoo literally means – “to throw into the fields” or “thrown into Nature.” The name was derived from the Chinese character “ya” meaning – field or Nature, and, “too” meaning – to throw or to express.


Concept of Yatoo

Yatoo created a contemporary philosophy about Nature art. But, the underlying principles behind is deeply-rooted in the old, traditional Korean sensibilities and practices towards their relationship with Nature.

For Yatoo, Nature is not to be taken as just a place or venue for creating or installing art, nor, it is to be used as mere materials for one’s art. Rather, Nature provides the artist with inspiration thru silent communication or dialogue with the artist’s mind, how it is going to be utilized into a particular artwork. In this way, Nature art ideas are the result of collaboration between Nature and the artist.

Yatoo’s works, both in meaning and physical form, differs from other parallel Nature art movements practiced in other regions. Yatoo’s works are characterized as purely natural guided by its utmost respect to Nature that maintains a peaceful, balanced and healthy interaction between human being and Nature.

Yatoo maintain this philosophy since its emergence and continually refined and developed as it evolves steadily thru the dedicated efforts of caring and well-meaning artists.


Exhibitions and Symposia Timeline

In the early years of Yatoo’s Nature art movement, the participating artists would do their art outdoor in Nature, but, it was only the photographs of the artworks that were presented to the public viewers in indoor exhibitions like the one in Hamburg Arts in 1989.

l 1991 – Yatoo held the first international Nature art exhibition in a park in Gongju near the famous Geumgang river. This historical river flows to the heart of mid-west Korea running towards and into the Yellow Sea. In that exhibition, Yatoo invited twelve German and twelve Japanese artists.

l 1992 – In response to the 1991 exhibition, Anke Mellin, a German artist, writer and curator, organized and invited some Korean and Japanese artists in a Nature art exhibition and symposium in Scheuberg near Hamburg, Germany.

l 1994 – Harada Akatsuki, a Japanese artist, organized a Nature art event in Japan and invited some Korean and German artists wherein many foreign participants who met somewhere before met again.

l 1995 – 128 artists from 23 countries were invited by Yatoo to an international Nature art exhibition and symposium in Korea.

l 1998-1999 – This time, Yatoo thought of a different approach in Nature art – teaching and involving farmers and villagers about Nature art. The events was held in the quiet, agricultural village in Dongwon-ri. The villagers enthusiastically created artworks side by side with some invited local and foreign artists. The success and the favorable outcome of the conceptual events inspired Yatoo to acquire a property and built a house that served as a Nature art center for the artists and the villagers in that area. Eventually, Yatoo developed the property as a residency center for its members and for the invited foreign artists.

l 2000/2001/2003 – During these years, three international Nature art exhibitions and symposia were organized by Yatoo and took place on the same venue – inside a historical site called Sanseong Park that sits by the Geumgang riverside located in the old Gongju town.

2004 – Yatoo established the first ever Geumgang Nature Art Biennale that was held in Jang Gun Bong Park and participated by invited 30 Korean artists and 30 foreign artists.

2009 – Yatoo started this yearly “YATOO Artist in Residency Program”* that initially took place in Yatoo’s Nature Art House in Gongju.

2011 – This year, Yatoo conceptualized another Nature art project which is basically a web-based project labeled “Yatoo International Project”* or simply, Yatoo-i. Nature artists from all over the world can become an online member and may submit and upload documentations of their Nature artworks on the Project’s website.



*Artist in Residence Program


Aside from the usual Biennale project, Yatoo organized another one they labeled ‘AiR’ – ”Artist in Residency” program. It is a yearly program that started in 2009 and caters only to a few invited foreign artists. The artists have a choice on the duration of their residency, whether a month, 2 months or three months. Unlike the Biennale which has a definite theme to follow, this program allows the artists to come up with their own concept on site and the organizing committee will decide if it’s meritorious or not.


YAIR is usually scheduled that coincide with the Pre-Biennale period and right before the Biennale season. The initial main venue is at the Nature Art House in Wongol in the Dongwon-ri area, but later on expanded to the Yeonmi mountain and the Geumgang riverside. The artists have a free reign on what medium they want to use, and whether the artwork is installed in an indoor gallery or in the outdoors.


*Yatoo International Project : YATOO-i


Yatoo International Project, or simply, Yatoo-i, was conceived and officially started this year -2011. This is basically a web-based project that showcases the works of local and foreign Nature artists’ members. Any artist from all over the world can sign-up and become a member of Yatoo-i wherein they can upload and update the photo or video documentations of their artworks on the project’s website ( will be opened by the end of July)