IGNITE: Women Fueling Science and Technology

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Date: September 11, 2024 — September 14, 2014
Categories: Opportunities

Sparking a world of innovation and equality. An online multimedia project produced by Global Fund for Women.

Contact: Michaela Leslie-Rule, Content Producer, IGNITE multimedia project,

mleslierule@globalfundforwomen.org, Tel. +1 206 321-4992, Skype. mikenoise78

Deadline: September 2, 2014

Each year Global Fund for Women produces multimedia projects dedicated to elevating the diversity of women’s experiences and voices by exploring a critical issue related to women. This year the IGNITE online multimedia project will investigate the impact of technology and science on the global evolution of gender equality.

Launching in November 2014, IGNITE will showcase female artists, designers and creative technologists who are inspired by and/or integrate science, math, engineering and technology in their creative process or in the presentation of their work.

We invite female artists (or collaboratives led by women) of all disciplines to submit creative work that can be displayed and appreciated on an online platform. We are particularly interested in work that utilizes technology to create an interactive experience and that incorporates themes of women’s human rights, movement building, feminism and the future of gender equality. We encourage artists from all over the world to participate.

Intention to Submit Deadline: August 15, 2014

Submission Deadline: September 2, 2014

Dates: The IGNITE Project launches in November 2014 and will continue through June

Presentation: Global Fund for Women has a broad global audience through its on-the-
ground partnerships and through social media channels. Work presented in Ignite will be visible to women around the world.

A selection of pieces will be physically installed at Ignite-related exhibitions in San Francisco and New York. We are actively seeking other global opportunities for physical events and anticipate one or two other opportunities over the course of the project.

Submission Instructions: If you intend to submit work for the September deadline, please email Michaela Leslie-Rule with a summary of the work, your website, bio, discipline and your contact information. In September, video and audio should be submitted as a link to a personal or project website (or to YouTube or Vimeo). Photographs and other images can be submitted via email or link to an online portfolio. Please make sure to include some text that contextualizes the piece for the reviewers and a link to your bio.