May 15: Call for Abstracts/Posters

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Date: January 22, 2025 — May 15, 2011
Categories: Opportunities

The SER2011 Scientific Program Committee is now accepting abstracts for oral and poster presentations for the 4th World Conference on Ecological Restoration (SER2011) which will be held August 21-25, 2011 in Merida, Mexico.

The Committee expects to begin a rolling abstract approval process on March 1, 2011 in order to allow participants to take advantage of early registration fees. All abstracts must be submitted electronically by May 15, 2011.

Notifications will be sent by email only. Please make sure that the email address you provide is your primary email address and that it is entered correctly. Upon receiving approval of your abstract, you will have the opportunity to revise or update the information provided.

Criteria for Selection

To increase the probability that your abstract will be accepted in your preferred format (i.e. oral or poster presentation), please consider the following criteria carefully:

  • scientific merit
  • application to restoration science, management, policy and education
  • clarity of presentation (e.g. abstract begins with a clear statement of an issue and ends with a substantive conclusion)

Abstracts must use standard International English, and follow commonly accepted syntax, grammar, and punctuation rules. Poorly written abstracts will be rejected. If you would like submit your abstract in Spanish, please click here.

Author Registration

In order to be included in the SER2011 conference program, all presenters whose abstract has been accepted must register by June 15, 2011. Presenters not registered by this date will not be included in the program and will not have their abstract published in the conference proceedings.

Contributed Oral Presentations

Oral presentations will be grouped by topic and limited to fifteen (15) minutes for presentation and five (5) minutes for questions. Please choose from the list of general topic areas provided on the submission form as this will assist the Committee in selecting an appropriate session for your presentation. If your contributed oral or poster abstract is accepted but cannot be accommodated as requested, you may be offered the opportunity to present in the alternative format. All oral presentation rooms will be equipped with a computer and projector. Detailed information and instructions on presentations at the meeting will be available to presenters several weeks before the meeting.

Contributed Poster Presentations

Poster presenters will receive specific instructions on poster dimensions and format in the email notification of acceptance.

Plenary, Special Session, Symposium, and Workshop Presentations

All invited speakers need to submit an abstract and complete all the information on the online submission form. It is the responsibility of the plenary, special session, symposium or workshop organizer to make sure that all speakers submit abstracts and register for the conference before the specified deadline and according to the instructions provided.

Student Award Candidates

Students who wish to be considered for best student paper or poster presentation must indicate this on the online submission form. The student must be the primary author and presenter, and must submit the abstract under his/her name.

Scholarship and Travel Stipends

Students and young professionals who are applying for financial assistance to attend SER2011 must submit an abstract and indicate their intent to apply for a stipend. All those who wish to be considered for a scholarship or travel stipend must also submit an application form when the call opens March 1, 2011.

Online Submission Form

All successful abstract submissions require the following information:

Presentation Type (e.g. contributed oral, contributed poster, special session, symposium or workshop)

Topic Area (or Indicate which Plenary, Special Session, Symposium, Workshop you have been invited participate in)

Title & Abstract (max of 250 words)

Summary/Thesis Sentence (max of 50 words) – for use on the conference website and in the printed program

Author Information (Name, Address, Email)

List of Contributing Authors (if applicable)