Art in a Time of Climatological Catastrophe
From left to right: Jane Allen, Hagit Cohen, Deana Pindell, Michele Brody
September 19- November 8, 2013
Gallery hours: Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm
Opening Reception:Â Thursday, September 19, 2013
                5:00 to 8:00 pm
China Brotsky Gallery, Thoreau Center for Sustainability,
The Presidio of San Francisco
1014 Torney Avenue (at Lincoln Boulevard), Building 1016Special SF Open Studio Hours: Saturday and Sunday, October 19-20, 10-4
Please join us in celebration of our new exhibition:
Art in a Time of Climatological Catastrophes
Suzaan Boettger, Â juror.
This exhibition highlights works of art that engage with anthropogenic (human influenced) climate change and the mistreatment of the environment.
Artists Selected:Â Jane Ingram Allen, Michele Brody, Mary Burger, Reenie Charriere, Hagit Cohen, Anne Cummings, Edie Dillon, Emily Duffy, Lauren Elder, Marguerite Garth, Janet Glatz, Michele Guieu, Deborah Kennedy, Isabella La Rocca, Dawn Lee, Jess Levine, Garth Marguerite, Bobbi Mastrangelo, Belitz Monique, Deedee Morrison, Mary Neubauer, Carol Newborg, Bonnie Peterson, Perdita Phillips, Deanna Pindell, Teri Power, Laura Phelps Rogers, Eleanor Ruckman, Gretchen Scharnagi, Elizabeth Sher, Virginia Stearns, Patti Trimble, Carolyn Wirth.
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