Balance-Unbalance 2017 A Sense of Place

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Date: October 06, 2016 — January 16, 2017
Categories: Opportunities, Conferences & Lectures
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Balance-Unbalance 2017 A Sense of Place
How can we appreciate a Sense of Place in the space between the local and the global? Do our GIS technologies enhance or supress the psychology of distance that distinguishes between them and us in times of environmental crisis? Are we making sense of our remote sensors in our telematic umwelt? Virtual simulations create powerful immersive experiences, but are they just distracting us from the complexities of feeling the volatile environment? Do we have the mental dexterity and visual literacy to comprehend these trasnscalar networked ecologies? From the overview to the nanoscape, BunB 2017 will critically explore our (missing) Sense of Place.
A Sense of Place aims to provoke discussion, reflection and action to address the imminent social, economic and cultural impact of climate change. Balance-Unbalance cultivates transdisciplinary relationships and initiatives which seek to provide insights, awareness, innovation, behaviour change and resolutions. To achieve these ambitions Balance-Unbalance explores innovative art and technology practices that provide new models which enhance participation, public engagement, information literacy and ecological action.

Balance-Unbalance 2017 invites papers, transdisciplinary workshops, artistic activities and artefacts (including VR and Fulldome content), posters and panels that respond to the provocation provided by the ‘Sense of Place’ theme. These initiatives should propose new opportunities for digital/electronic/media arts to catalyse transdisciplinary activity and behaviour change to help solve our global environmental crisis.
BunB 2017 wishes to build on the work of previous BunB Conferences by cultivating virtual and networked models which allow increased diversity, access and dissemination whilst significantly reducing the carbon footprint of a major international conference.

Deadline for submissions:
January 16, 2017 (midnight, UK time).Notification of acceptance: February 28, 2017.

  • Papers (max 8 pages)
  • Posters (proposal in 2 pages)
  • Panels (proposal in 3 pages)
  • Artistic activities and artefacts (proposal in 3 pages)
  • Transdisciplinary workshops (proposal in 3 pages)
  • Virtual and Networked initiatives (proposal in 3 pages)

