March 1: Guerrilla Girls Exhibition

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Date: February 14, 2025 — March 02, 2012
Categories: Exhibitions & Presentations

The Guerrilla Girls
Not Ready to Make Nice: The Guerrilla Girls in the Artworld and Beyond
Exhibition: March 1 – April 21, 2012
Opening Reception: March 1, 5-8pm, Glass Curtain Gallery, 1104 S. Wabash 1st Floor
Public Conversation: March 1, 6-7pm, Conaway Center, 1104 S. Wabash 1st Floor
Educator/Student Open House: March 2, 11:30am-1:00pm. Columbia College Chicago

Through a dynamic collaboration with the Institute, the Department of Exhibition & Performance Spaces, the A + D Gallery, the Center for Book and Paper Arts, and Critical Encounters at Columbia College Chicago, the Guerrilla Girls will engage in a major initiative, focusing on art and activism. Their project will comprise an Institute Fellowship; a 6-week solo exhibition with new works and installations; community actions; and a series of student workshops and public programs. Beginning in October 2011, founding members of the group had the first of two campus residencies, culminating with the opening of the solo exhibition at two locations on March 1, 2012, the Glass Curtain Gallery and the A + D Gallery. A major Chicago initiative, this project will illuminate and contextualize the important past and current work of these highly original, provocative and influential artists who champion feminism and social change.

Public Conversation: March 1, 2012, 6:00-7:00PM. Neysa Page-Lieberman, Exhibition Curator and Director, Department of Exhibition and Performance Spaces and Jane M. Saks, Executive Director, Ellen Stone Belic Institute for the Study of Women and Gender in the Arts and Media, will be in conversation and conduct an audience Q&A with the Guerrilla Girls.

Educator/Student Open House: March 2, 11:30am-1:00pm: Open house and conversation with Chicago-area educators, students and activists with the Guerrilla Girls. More details to come. Please RSVP for this program to