March 31: Environmental Utterance -A Performative Conference-

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Date: September 11, 2024 — March 31, 2012
Categories: Opportunities

University College Falmouth

invites proposals for performative presentations as part of



– A Performative Conference –

 Sat 1 to Sun 2 September 2012 

 Deadline for applications:  31st March 2012


What is the relationship between structures of dissemination and the environment that our (creative) practice is concerned with/seeks to convey?  What is the relationship between the academic environment and the work we produce?  How do we utter (repeat/recreate) our environment?

We invite poets and writers, artists, academics, social and environmental scientists, performers and musicians, and others, to submit proposals for 20 minute papers/presentations/performances that practically consider/reflect upon/perform ways of uttering environment. We seek work that explores the phenomenological sense of speaking with environment. We encourage the use of a diverse range of media as part of this dialogue. Participants are invited to find new ways of expressing their research and/or artistic practice in a conference setting that reflects upon this process of adaptation as a process of practical enquiry.  For full details of this call please visit our website: (or see pdf attached).

We particularly welcome investigations into the embodied experience of space and place, formally experimental academic presentations, environmental considerations of (written) language/language as environment, and presentations that critique the relation between the ‘here’ of the conference setting and the ‘there’ to which the presentation refers.

Prospective participants are invited to send an abstract (250 words max) of their twenty minute presentation/performance along with an indication of any specific requirements involved (250 words max) to

Special Call to Develop Live Exchange

This is a call for proposals to design a method of documentation to function as an integral part of this ‘conference-as-community-of-practice’: a method of exchange whereby ideas, insights, lessons learned, questions and connections are cross-referenced between the different times and spaces of the conference. We invite applicants to submit proposals to detailing a process that will (effectively & inspiringly) collect, record and disseminate participants’ experiences. Media and methods might include (but are not limited to) technology, social media, interactive installations, mobile performance, poetic or artistic representations, etc. Selected participants will run their activity for one morning or afternoon of the conference. The material costs required to realize the activity will be reimbursed in consultation with the conference organizers.

Confirmed Keynote Presenters/Performers so far include..

Internationally celebrated poet and artist, Maggie O’Sullivan

Artist and cultural geographer, Professor David Crouch (University of Derby)

Digital cinema practitioner, Dr Charlotte Crofts (University of the West of England)

Award-winning post-acousmatic composer, Dr Antii Saario (University College Falmouth).

Deadline for applications: 31st March