Oct 23- Nov 14: Gentle Actions Conference

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Date: February 15, 2025 — November 14, 2010
Categories: Conferences & Lectures

Gentle Actions is an art & ecology happening with an experimental visual framework that will take place at the gallery Kunstnerenes Hus in Oslo/Norway from the 23rd of October till the 14th of November 2010. It will be an interactive meeting place which combines the transformatory power of art with interdisciplinary ecology.

Gentle Actions
will function as a social sculpture and gather people engaged in social transformation within the arts, culture, humanities, social and nature based academia together with cultural activists and an actively engaged public.  It will be an interactive and collaborative platform that includes dialogues and lectures, various presentations, workshops, discussions, and an extensive film program, just to mention a few of the happenings. The exchange of knowledge, ideas and experience is integral to the project.  We hope that Gentle Actions will generate ideas and concrete examples for new ways of thinking and acting to face the enormous challenges we are facing on earth at this moment.

Gentle Actions are collaborating with: Kunstnernes Hus //PLAN prosjektet ved Universitetet i Oslo//Oslo Dokumentarkino// Senter for Økologisk Økonomi og Etikk ved Handelshøyskolen i Bodø//Cultura Bank

Gentle Actions have had financial contributions from the following: Norsk Kulturråd //Fritt Ord // Kunstnernes Hus // Norges forskningsråd // PLAN prosjektet ved Universitetet i Oslo// Den kulturelle skolesekken // Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond // Mondriaan Foundation// Oslo kommune // Cultura Bank