Sept 24: NY LASER theme: The Evolution of Art/Sci Communities

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Date: January 22, 2025 — September 24, 2011
Categories: Exhibitions & Presentations

 Fall Leonardo Education and Art Forum (LEAF) event: NY  LASER


NY LASER cocktails + discussion@ Ellen Levy’s studio:

Saturday, September 24th, 4-7pm

40 E 19th St #3-R




NY LASER theme: The Evolution of Art/Sci Communities

I am pleased to inform you of the ever expanding Leonardo Education and Art Forum (LEAF). At the upcoming NY LASER on September 24th, Victoria Vesna will launch the Parsons ArtSci Network in coordination with UCLA Art Sci center at the California NanoSystems Institute.

As chair of LEAF, I am keen to include you as an independent or representative of your institution and hope you can join us and share a few words about your work and participate in a discussion about best practices and the evolution of Art/Sci communities.  Ellen Levy, past chair of CAA and more recently LEAF is hosting the NY LASER at her studio and we would be delighted to have you present.

Please note: we make every effort to include as many institutional and independent representatives as possible and host our LASER events outside the academic setting. Accordingly, these gatherings are informal and scheduled on Saturday afternoons. Space is very limited so please RSVP!

If you wish to make a brief presentation of your work, please send up to ten jpg images, either single med-res (preferably) or only low-res movies that can be opened with QT to Ellen Levy at:

We hope you can make it – please RSVP directly to: