Twelve windvangers

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Date: January 12, 2025

Atefeh Khas’ twelve windvangers consist of 12 wooden narrow columns each of them ends with quadrilateral frame with fabric sewn into it. This installation set on top of a hill in the Sadra park which is located near Shiraz .
The Repetition and rhythm of the work of art convey a strong sense of the wind element to a viewer.
On the one hand, this installation would like to dominate the wind and reserved it into bages. On the other hand, the wind passing through the mesh bags Conveying a feeling of relief. As a result, sensory contradiction, movement and a conflict is between the work and nature.
Due to mythical meaning, twelve windvagers can be related to Greek god of wind, Aeolus and Fujin in Japanese mythology. Aeolus was a son of Hippotes who is mentioned in Odyssey book as Keeper of the Winds who gives Odysseus a tightly closed bag full of the captured winds so he could sail easily home to Ithaca on the gentle West Wind. Aeolus was said to have had twelve children – six sons and six daughters. FÅ«jin is the Japanese god of the wind and one of the eldest Shinto gods. In Japanese art, the deity is often depicted with its symbol, the windbag.
The number 12 refers to the 12 months and also has religious meaning. (Split into 12 groups of Israel, 12 apostles of Jesus and the 12 Shia imams)
In a summary it can be noted the following points:
– Rhythm and repetition
– Transient and spontaneous movement and fleeting (of the wind)
-the work has a relation with natural elements
– A mythical and spiritual meaning
-Coexistence with the environment

Wrote by: Afsoon Lashai
MA of Art Research
Autumn 2015
